Prepare for Adversity & Frustration (Stoic Lesson #18)

For Week 18's lesson on our 52-Week Stoic journey with A Handbook for New Stoics, we're asked to take the previous concept of Premeditatio Malorum one step further, by not simply contemplating a possible adversity, but rehearsing how it would play out and in what way we should best react. Learning how to better accept that which may (or most likely will) go wrong (and what we do not have control over).
This is not simply about accepting and EXCUSING the frustration, but accepting and then learning how to better respond to it - calmly and rationally.
- What are one or two tasks you will likely encounter either today or in the near future that you may consider frustrating?
- What type of intention can you set around the way you'd LIKE to react to it?
- How do you see yourself reacting more calmly?
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