Our ongoing research, best practice recommendations, top-of-mind ideas, and the latest trends and insights on how to become a change-ready leader and create transformation and growth in your life, your work, and anywhere in between.

How to Overcome Discomfort (Stoic Lesson #40) book club discomfort epictetus focus stoicism

Has physical discomfort ever impacted your state of mind? How can a sick...

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How to Keep it (Stoically) Simple (Stoic Lesson #39) communication overwhelm stoicism

When you're embarking on a new growth journey, it can occasionally feel...

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How to Tackle Your (Bad) Moods (Stoic Lesson #38) habits mindset stoicism

Do you have any bad habits? Of course you do. It's what you do next that...

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How to Act with Intention (Stoic Lesson #35) book club intention mindfulness stoicism

Have you ever found yourself doing something and you didn't realize you...

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Expand Your Circle of Caring (Stoic Lesson #34) book club collaboration people dynamics stoicism teamwork

It's often easier for us to have compassion, patience, and caring for...

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The Power of Perspective anger frustration people dynamics perspective stoicism

When many of us hear the word "conflict" we may tense up, begin to...

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Design a Mindful Life (Stoic Lesson #33) blueprint book club character mindfulness stoicism virtue

If you always have an audience - where someone is watching you - would...

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Practice Stoic Sympathy Stealthily (Stoic Lesson #32) book club judgment leadership stoicism

As you continue to learn new ways to navigate this 'world outside of...

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How to Do Whatever 'Political' Good You Can (Stoic Lesson #30) book club community politics stoicism virtue

Are you doing whatever you can to help your 'polis'? That's the question...

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