Our ongoing research, best practice recommendations, top-of-mind ideas, and the latest trends and insights on how to become a change-ready leader and create transformation and growth in your life, your work, and anywhere in between.

Design a Mindful Life (Stoic Lesson #33) blueprint book club character mindfulness stoicism virtue

If you always have an audience - where someone is watching you - would...

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How to Do Whatever 'Political' Good You Can (Stoic Lesson #30) book club community politics stoicism virtue

Are you doing whatever you can to help your 'polis'? That's the question...

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What would Marcus Aurelius Do? (Stoic Lesson #28) book club marcus aurelius modeling stoicism virtue

How can you be reminded to stay on the virtuous path when the proverbial...

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Choose Well the Company You Keep (Stoic Lesson #21) book club growth people dynamics stoicism virtue

How does the company you keep help you in developing your character and...

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