Our ongoing research, best practice recommendations, top-of-mind ideas, and the latest trends and insights on how to become a change-ready leader and create transformation and growth in your life, your work, and anywhere in between.

Failure Is (and Should Be) An Option change collaboration communication mindset teamwork

My husband (and the Porch’s Master of Communication), Rob, and I...

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Poor Communication is Co$ting Your Business... A LOT business collaboration communication meetings

"What is getting in the way of collaboration, productivity, and employee...

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A Treaty for the 'War for Talent'​ business collaboration community talent acquisition

David vs. Goliath. The North vs. the South. The Patriots vs. the world....

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Expand Your Circle of Caring (Stoic Lesson #34) book club collaboration people dynamics stoicism teamwork

It's often easier for us to have compassion, patience, and caring for...

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Welcome to 'The Porch' burnout business collaboration communication culture mindset mission strategy

Hi there. Thanks for stopping by. We are so glad you've decided to...

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